Compare and rank your companies

See how you stack up against other businesses in your group, or gain insights into your portfolio of clients.

Trusted worldwide for over 10 years

80,000+ businesses use Fathom to forecast, report and consolidate


See the big picture

Compare the performance of businesses in your group and see how results compare to peers.


Rank & improve performance

Rank the performance of each business so you can learn from best performers and assist underperformers.

Group Reporting

Share results and keep everyone informed

Automatically deliver regular personalised reports and keep all stakeholders up to date on their most important business metrics.
More about Reporting


Identified or unidentified results

Compare performance against identified peers, or against unidentified peers.

Take your multi-entity reporting to the next level

For accounting firms

Get a bird’s eye view of your practice – monitor performance of your entire client portfolio, and deliver timely advice when needed.

Key Benefits

Monitor the performance of all your clients.
Proactively deliver advice when needed.
Gain insights into your portfolio of clients.

For franchise groups

Provide your franchisees with personalized reports which present their numbers beautifully, while also gaining head office insights.

Key Benefits

Visually rank, compare and benchmark all franchisees.
Identify high performers and best practices.
Deliver greater value to your franchisees.

Seamless Integration

Fathom integrates directly with leading accounting platforms. Making it easy to get started, stay connected and get more out of your data.
See all integrations

Trusted by leading franchises and groups

Read customer stories
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Ready for effortless group reporting?