Zenkeep is a digital bookkeeping firm, based in McKinney, Texas, focused primarily on managerial accounting and providing relevant, reliable financial statements for their clients.

Matter of Form is a design-led digital agency, based in London. They are passionate about the impact of design in business, and are highly regarded for their design of integrated brand experiences for the world's most valued organisations.

Advivo is passionate about assisting business owners with growth through sound financial management, cost certainty and monthly fee instalments allowing clients to smooth their cash flow. Fathom is considered an integral part of their solution.

A six-part mini-series providing insights from Darren Root of Rootworks into the current state of small accounting and advisory firms in the US.

Turning grass-fed beef into jerky is tough, but ditching spreadsheets for cloud-based reporting tools is easy! In this customer story, we look at how The New Primal in South Carolina uses Fathom's beautiful reports and dashboards to help make better business decisions.

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